Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Task 1 - Set up a free webmail account

Each participate in the PVLD Learning 2.0 project will be required to use a free email account from a commercial service provider such as Yahoo Mail or Google’s Gmail. This account will be used to register for the various web services required by this project.

It is recommended that you set up a new webmail account specifically for this project, although you may use an existing account if you prefer.

You will be creating several accounts on different websites during this project. Click here to download and print a form you can use to keep track of your usernames and passwords.

Note: Do not use your PVLD email account for this learning program.

To set up an account with Yahoo go to http://www.yahoo.com/ and click on the Sign Up link next to “Free Mail” in the upper right hand portion of the page.

Why is this important? Your free email account will allow you to use PVLD's computer network to complete your Learning 2.0 tasks without introducing spam or viruses to the network. Free email accounts such as Yahoo Mail also allow you to check your email from any computer, so they are great for library customers who use our public computers.

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